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The UltraClean membrane project hatched and constructed by the high-tech industry through train platform started construction in the new material industrial park

On December 13, the on-site meeting of the key projects of Ankang City in the fourth quarter of 2019 was held in the New Material Industrial Park of Ankang High-tech Zone. Attending the ceremony were Zhao Junmin, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Zhao Jing, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chen Lunbao, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Huang Xiaoyong, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, Chen Wuwen, Secretary General of the Municipal Government, and Liao, Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission. Liangcheng, Director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau Tao Bolin, Director of the High-tech Management Committee Luo Wuxia and other leaders, the concentrated construction ceremony was presided over by the Deputy Mayor He Bangjun.

In his speech, Mayor Zhao Junmin pointed out that since this year, the city has carried out the “Project Tackling Year” activity. This time, 135 key projects have been started simultaneously at the urban and urban levels, involving infrastructure, industrial development, and people’s livelihood security. It is of great significance to stabilize economic growth and increase the stamina for development. The organization and implementation of these projects is to lay the foundation for the development of health, increase motivation, and grasp the future. All counties, districts and departments in the city should consciously expand effective investment and promote the implementation of projects. As an action conscious that deeply implements Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, as a landmark result of not forgetting the original aspiration and keeping in mind the effectiveness of mission theme education, we will go all out to promote implementation. In the face of the current complex and volatile macro-economy and the slowdown in investment growth, the city must maintain determination and confidence, earnestly study and implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the Politburo Meeting, and thoroughly practice the central and provincial stable investment Decision-making and deployment, with solid and effective actions, strive to sprint the city’s economy to maintain steady and rapid growth.

Mayor Zhao emphasized that, first, we must strengthen inventory management and follow-up supervision, promote effective investment in projects as soon as possible, give full play to the bridging role of the city and county two-level investment stabilization work class, promote implementation and follow-up supervision, and highlight key provincial, municipal and county projects , Invest projects within the budget of the Central Province, find out the existing problems, promote the formation of effective investment as soon as possible in the project, and ensure that the investment target is reached as soon as possible; second, we must speed up the planning and reserve, and we must focus on the goal of building a strong northwestern ecological economy and a regional transportation hub. Focus on key selenium-rich industries, ecological health care, etc., strengthen private investment, state-owned investment, central enterprise docking and foreign-funded project planning, reserve and implement a batch of large and good projects that promote transformation, make up for shortcomings, benefit people’s livelihood, and increase stamina , Intensify efforts to actively plan and reserve projects for 2020 and the “14th Five-Year Plan”; third, we must improve mechanisms to ensure guarantees, and all departments at all levels must enhance service awareness, strengthen city-county linkages, government-bank-enterprise coordination, and fully implement major The project’s vertical linkage and horizontal coordinated promotion mechanism will create a first-class investment environment, promote the brand of “the most secure business environment”, and ensure the rapid start of the project and its smooth implementation.

Luo Wuxia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ankang High-tech Zone and Director of the Management Committee, introduced the 10 projects that have been started in the Ankang High-tech Zone and made relevant introductions around the environmental protection of the preparatory projects.

The projects to be started this time involve infrastructure, industrial development, and people’s livelihood security, with a total investment of 11.6 billion yuan.

Among them, the first phase of the high-end reverse osmosis nanofiltration membrane project and the BBA microbial soil conditioner project were hatched and constructed by the Ankang Eco-Silicon Valley Innovation Workshop under the high-tech industry through train platform, and landed in the new material industrial park.

The first phase of high-end reverse osmosis nanofiltration membrane project: The project is located in the new material industrial park, invested and constructed by Shaanxi Dingche Membrane Technology Co., Ltd., with a total investment of 150 million yuan, and builds an annual production line of 2.5 million square meters of reverse osmosis membranes and nanofiltration membranes.

Other projects under construction in the same period include: BBA microbial soil conditioner project; natural gas emergency peak shaving reserve station project; lithium battery new energy key cathode material production project; Yaobai new environmental protection building materials industrial park; selected stone powder and barite powder production and processing project ; Tianshi new environmentally friendly building materials production project; Jinsheng new building materials production project; Jianghua green new building materials R&D and production project; Yonghua business mixed relocation and construction project, etc.

More than 200 people including relevant municipal departments, relevant responsible persons of the Ankang High-tech Zone, representatives of relevant enterprises and construction units participated in this concentrated construction ceremony.